Extractive Commodity Trading Report 2023

ECTR 2023

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➥ English

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→ Key Findings & Recommendations

→ Scoring framework

→ Document library


The trading of extractive commodities (oil and gas, metals and minerals) is of huge importance, not only in maintaining global flows of these resources but also in providing many resource-rich countries with critical revenues for their economic development. Recent events have underscored the interconnections between the commodity trading sector and sustainable development. This is seen for example in the commodity market disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the sanctions imposed by some countries since the start of the war in Ukraine, and in recent high-profile cases of bribery and corruption within the sector.

Governments, financiers, customers and consumers are showing increased awareness of the need for the commodity trading industry to demonstrate more systematic action and transparency on economic, environmental, social and governance issues if internationally agreed aims on human rights, sustainable development and accountable financial flows are to be achieved – including the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The Extractive Commodity Trading Report (ECTR) 2023 is an evidence-based assessment of due diligence and public disclosure among a sample of companies in the extractive commodity trading sector. Coming two years after the first edition of the assessment, the Report continues to track, and encourage improvement in, companies’ policies and practices related to responsible sourcing and public data sharing.

The 25 geographically dispersed companies included in the assessment have significant activities in the trade of oil, gas, metals or minerals sourced from third parties, and include traditional trading companies, international oil companies, and integrated companies (involved in both production and trading).

Companies assessed in the report
BP trading & shipping, CCI, Chevron Supply and Trading, CITIC Metal, ConocoPhillips, Eni Trade & Biofuels, ExxonMobil, Gerald Group, Glencore, Gunvor, LITASCO, Mercuria, Minmetals International, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsui, MRI Trading, Noble Resources, Phibro, RGL Group, Shell International Trading and Shipping, TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping, Trafigura, UNIPEC, Vitol, and Wogen
ECTR 2023 - world map


The assessment focuses on issues related to the trading activities of each company, providing an overview of the basic measures that the companies are taking to: (1) manage their supply chain risks related to human rights abuses, illicit financial flows and environmental damage; and (2) publicly share data on their corporate governance, trading activities and other public interest issues.

The assessment results offer companies a ‘gap analysis’ of their current performance, indicating where improvement is most needed. More broadly, the assessment supports industry-wide learning by providing a framework that can be used by all companies in the extractive commodity trading sector and by other stakeholders (e.g., banks, investors, industry associations, etc.) to develop their own approaches on these key issues.

Companies and other stakeholders can use the results, recommendations and learning resources in this report to improve their due diligence and public reporting. For example, the interactive library or over 1,500 documents (sourced largely from the assessed companies) includes useful models of tools such as supplier expectations, risk assessment questionnaires and public reporting frameworks.

The full assessment framework of indicators and metrics is included in the report (See Annex 3).

Key findings & Recommendations

[1] Most due diligence systems fall far short of robust risk management
Most companies’ due diligence systems are very limited, covering little more than the initial step of setting expectations for their suppliers. Few systems extend to the critical stages of assessing supplier compliance, engaging with suppliers, and taking action to address any non-compliance. This is the case for due diligence systems on all three risk areas studied: human rights abuses, illicit financial flows, and environmental damage, with evidence particularly weak on assessment and mitigation of environmental risks. Without these elements the due diligence systems will never contribute to the prevention of these significant supply chain issues.

→ Recommendation: Companies can learn from the few examples of comprehensive due diligence systems demonstrated by some of their peers.

[2] Little effort to improve effectiveness of due diligence systems
Very few companies can show they are checking how well their due diligence measures are working. For example, about two-thirds of the companies show no evidence of tracking and reporting their performance on managing human rights risks in their supply chain. A similar proportion of companies show no evidence of tracking and reporting their performance on preventing illicit financial flows. Given the harmful practices that continue to come to light, particularly on illicit financial flows, the onus is on companies to demonstrate they are reviewing their performance on responsible sourcing and seeking ways to strengthen it.

→ Recommendation: Companies can enhance their continuous improvement efforts by increasing their focus on the last two critical steps of the ‘plan-do-check-act’ management cycle.

[3] Some companies are debunking the myth that public disclosure harms competitiveness
Very few companies are publicly disclosing information of strong public interest such as their annual turnover, the taxes they pay, or their purchases from governments or state-owned enterprises. One of the reasons cited by companies for non-disclosure is that financial data of this kind is highly confidential, and public disclosure could harm their competitiveness. Yet on each of these issues a few companies (private as well as publicly listed) show strong and voluntary disclosure. These good practices demonstrate that transparency on these issues can be considered compatible with competitiveness.

→ Recommendation: Companies can follow the examples of their more transparent peers to share public interest data without compromising their competitiveness.

[4] Anti-bribery and corruption systems rarely supported by practical measures
While most companies have anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) systems, including a compliance function and whistleblowing mechanism, there is less evidence of companies ensuring that their employees routinely fulfil their ABC responsibilities. Few companies show detailed evidence of conducting regular training on ABC for their workforce. And there is no evidence that ABC performance is included in any ESG executive compensation criteria. These kinds of practical measures are critical as ABC risks are by no means hypothetical. Several assessed companies have been subject to recent investigations or legal action relating to bribery and corruption.

→ Recommendation: Companies can improve their prevention of bribery and corruption by strengthening awareness and accountability at all levels of their workforce.

[5] Weak progress overall, some individual improvements
There is no sign of a marked shift towards responsible and transparent practices. The overall average performance has increased only minimally, from 33% to 34% in the last two years. Nonetheless, the majority of companies show progress on at least one issue. Improvements include, for example, new policy commitments, new management standards, and more public sharing of public interest data. Currently a few companies show significantly stronger results among those assessed, and it is encouraging to see that some companies are starting to catch up with their better-performing peers.

→ Recommendation: Companies can use the results of this assessment to improve their due diligence practices and strengthen their public disclosure.

Scoring Framework

Download the full scoring framework

Document Library

This searchable document library includes approximately 1,500 source documents (sourced from the public domain or submitted by companies), which have been reviewed during the assessment of the 25 companies. It is possible to search for a specific text in the titles, using the field below.

Entreprise Documents source Année
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – BP Global Energy Trading, Terms and Conditions (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Canada 12 Month Lobbying Summary 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – CDP Climate Change Report 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Corporate Governance (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Five aims to get bp to net zero (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Getting to net zero (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – LNG master sales and purchase agreement (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – LNG master sales and purchase agreement (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Our participation in trade associations climate review 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Q2 US Senate Lobbying Disclosure 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Tax Transparency (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Terms and conditions (T&Cs) Documents and downloads bp trading & shipping (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Texas Fact Sheet 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – Trading & Shipping (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – trading and shipping offices (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – UNGC communication on progress 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2022 – What we do bp Trading & Shipping (webpage) 2022
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Annual Report and Form 20-F 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Environmental Policy 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – ESG Datasheet 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Governance Report 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Modern slavery and human trafficking statement 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Our Responsible Tax Principles 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Report on Payments to Governments 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2021 – Terms of reference Safety and sustainability committee 2021
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – Business and human rights policy 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – EU Transparency Register – List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – Organization chart 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – Our participation in trade association, Climate 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP America – 2020 – US House of Representative Lobbying Disclosure, 2nd quarter 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Canada Limited – 2020 – Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada – 12 month Lobbying Activity 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Global Oil Americas – 2020 – General Terms and Conditions for Purchases and Sales of Crude Oil, Refined Petroleum and Related Products 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Global Oil Americas – 2020 – Marine Provisions 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Global Oil Americas – 2020 – Pipeline and Tank Provisions 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Global Oil Americas – 2020 – RINs Provisions 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Global Oil Americas – 2020 – Truck and Rail Provisions 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – Sustainability Report 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2020 – Tax Report 2020
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – Annual report and Form 20-F 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – BP Global energy trading, FOB LNG sale and purchase agreement 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – BP Global energy trading, Master ex-ship LNG sale and purchase agreement 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – BP’s approach to tax 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – ESG Data Sheet 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – Labour Rights & Modern Slavery Principles 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – Report on payments to governments 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – Slavery and human trafficking statement 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – Britannic Energy Trading Limited – 2019 – Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019
bp trading & shipping International Swaps and Derivatives Association – 2019 – Disclosure Annex for Commodity Derivative Transactions 2019
bp trading & shipping International Swaps and Derivatives Association – 2019 – General Disclosure Statement for Transactions 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2019 – BP’s expectations of its suppliers 2019
bp trading & shipping BP – 2018 – BP Global energy trading, Terms and Conditions of Sale Marine Fuels 2018
bp trading & shipping BP – 2017 – BP’s expectation of its suppliers 2017
bp trading & shipping BP – 2016 – BP Global energy trading, Additional Disclosure Statement for Complex Structures 2016
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Oil International Ltd – 2015 – General terms & Conditions for Sales and Purchases of Crude oil and Petroleum Products 2015
bp trading & shipping BP – BP Energy Company – nd – Code of Conduct for persons engaged in natural gas sale nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – A list of frequently asked questions relating to ESG topics (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Anti-bribery and corruption (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Board Governance Principles nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP and our people (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, About us (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Americas (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Central Asia (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Europe (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, European Gas and Power (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, European Gas and Power brochure nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, European Gas and Power Purchase Agreements (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Far East (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Gas and Power (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, General terms and conditions (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Generic renewable PPA Structure nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Global environmental products (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Global structured products (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Global Structured Products brochure nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Greenfield LNG brochure nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Liquefied natural gas Asia Middle East (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Liquefied natural gas Europe (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, LNG brochure nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, LNG master sales and purchase agreement (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Marine (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Marine brochure nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Middle East (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Natural gas liquids (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, North Africa (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Oil (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, Regulatory resource centre (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – BP Global energy trading, West Africa (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Community Engagement (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Global energy trading (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Human Rights Policy (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Key sustainability issues (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Labour rights (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Local workers and suppliers (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Managing risks (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Open Talk (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Our business model (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Our code our responsibility nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Our impacts on communities (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Personal Safety (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Policy and advocacy (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Responsible supply chain management (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Running a responsible business (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Stakeholders engagement (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Supplier expectations (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Sustainability Governance (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – Tax Transparency (webpage) nd
bp trading & shipping BP – nd – UN Sustainable Development Goals (webpage) nd
CCI CCI – 2022 – Assets Natural Gas (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Assets Other (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Assets Power (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Contact Us (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – History (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Leadership Team (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Life at CCI (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Locations (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Natural Gas (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Oil (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Power (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – Responsibility (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2022 – UK Regulatory Notices (webpage) 2022
CCI CCI – 2018 – General terms and conditions for the sale of crude oil and Petroleum products 2018
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Approach to tax 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Business conduct and ethics code 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Chevron hotline (webpage) 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Form 10-K 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Form SD Conflict Minerals Disclosure 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Human rights (webpage) 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Lobbying and trade associations 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Proxy statement 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Supply and trading (webpage) 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Supply chain management (webpage) 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Belgium BV – 2022 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Belgium BV – 2022 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with the European Commission since 2014 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Canada Limited – 2022 – Registry of Lobbyists, Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, Version 68 of 68 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron USA – 2022 – US House of Representatives, Lobbying disclosure 2nd quarter 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2022 – Pipelines (webpage) 2022
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2021 – Climate change resilience report 2021
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2021 – Corporate sustainability report 2021
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2021 – Expectations for suppliers, contractors and business partners 2021
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2021 – United Kingdom Modern Slavery Act Statement for 2021 2021
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2020 – Approach to tax 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2020 – Business Conduct and Ethics Code 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2020 – Proxy statement, Notice of meeting of shareholders 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2020 – Supplier letter expectations for suppliers, contractors and business partners 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Belgium BVBA – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Belgium BVBA – 2020 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Canada Limited – 2020 – Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, 12 month lobbying summary 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron USA – 2020 – US House of Representative, Lobbying Disclosure 2nd quarter 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2020 – Stewarding responsible water management 2020
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Annual Report Supplement 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Employees Political Action Committee Contributions 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Form 10-K, Annual Report 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Form SD Conflict Minerals Disclosure 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Human Right Policy 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Lloyd’s Register LRQA Assurance Statement ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Political Contributions Report 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Public Policy Committee Charter 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Statement on Human Rights Defenders 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Trade association memberships with annual dues of USD 100 000+ 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2019 – Update to the Climate Change Resilience, a framework for resilience making 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Canada – 2019 – Disclosure Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act 2019
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2018 – Climate Change Resilience, a framework for resilience making 2018
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2018 – General terms & conditions for sales and purchases of Crude Oil US Domestic Supplement 2018
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2018 – General terms & conditions for sales and purchases of Products US Domestic Supplement 2018
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2018 – Notice Regarding Updated Corporation Business Conduct and Ethics Code 2018
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2018 – Summary Grievance Mechanism Guidance 2018
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2017 – Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Broader Human Rights Commitments California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 2017
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2016 – Responsible Investment in Myanmar 2016
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2014 – General terms & conditions for sales and purchases of crude oil (version 2) 2014
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2014 – General terms & conditions for sales and purchases of products (version 2) 2014
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – 2014 – Global Operations, One Approach 2014
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – Chevron Natural Gas – nd – Code of Conduct nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – About Crude Oil Marketing (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – An overview for the workforce, Operational excellence Managing safeguards to protect people and the environment nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Audit Committee Charter nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Business Conduct and Ethics Expectations for Suppliers and Contractors nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, African Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, Central Asian Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, Crude Oils (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, European Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, Far Eastern Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, Latin American Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, Middle Eastern Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron Crude Oil Marketing, North American Crudes (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Ethics Point (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Frequent Questions Hotline nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Governance (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Human Rights (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Human Rights (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Operational Excellence Management System (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Political Contributions and Lobbying (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Respecting human rights, Enabling human progress begins with respecting human rights nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Supplier diversity (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Supply and trading (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Supply Chain Management (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – The Chevron Way nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – United Kingdom (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading EITI – nd – Data Portal (webpage) nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure nd
Chevron Supply and Trading Chevron – nd – Chevron’s approach to UK tax nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Iron Ore (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Iron Ore (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Niobium (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Niobium (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Non-Ferrous Metals (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Non-Ferrous Metals (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Special Ores (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – 2022 – Commodity Trading, Special Ores (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2022 – Import and Export of Commodities (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2022 – Import and Export of Commodities (webpage) 2022
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2021 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2021
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2021 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2021
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2021 – Environmental Social and Governance Report 2021
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2021 – Environmental Social and Governance Report (Chinese) 2021
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2020 – Chairman’s Statement (Chinese) (webpage) 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2020 – Chairman’s Statement (webpage) 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2020 – Annual Report 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2020 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2020 – Annual Report 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2020 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2020 – Environmental Social and Governance Report 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2020 – Environmental Social and Governance Report (Chinese) 2020
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2019 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2019 – Half-Year Report 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2019 – Half-Year Report (Chinese) 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2019 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2019 – Environmental Social and Governance Report 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2019 – Environmental Social and Governance Report (Chinese) 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2019 – Interim Report 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2019 – Interim Report (Chinese) 2019
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2013 – Board Diversity Policy 2013
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2013 – Board Diversity Policy (Chinese) 2013
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – 2013 – By-Laws 2013
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2012 – Inside Information Disclosure Policy 2012
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2012 – Inside Information Disclosure Policy (Chinese) 2012
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2012 – Shareholders Communication Policy 2012
CITIC Metal CITIC – 2012 – Shareholders Communication Policy (Chinese) 2012
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – About CMG (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – About CMG (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Coal (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Coal (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Iron Ore (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Iron Ore (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Niobium (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Niobium (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Non-Ferrous Metals (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Non-Ferrous Metals (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Special Ores (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Commodity Trading, Special Ores (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Corporate Governance (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Corporate Governance (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Corporate Social Responsibility (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Corporate Social Responsibility (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Shareholding Structure (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Shareholding Structure (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Sustainability (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Metal – nd – Sustainability (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – nd – Corporate Structure (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – nd – Corporate Structure (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – nd – Directors and Senior Management (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – nd – Directors and Senior Management (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – nd – Import and Export of Commodities (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – CITIC Resources – nd – Import and Export of Commodities (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – nd – Corporate Governance (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – nd – Corporate Governance (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – nd – Our Business, Resources & Energy (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – nd – Our Business, Resources & Energy (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – nd – Sustainability (Chinese) (webpage) nd
CITIC Metal CITIC – nd – Sustainability (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – CDP Climate Change Report 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Committees (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Ethics Helpline, Commonly asked questions (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings since 2014 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Executive Management (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Global Tax Policy (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Human Rights Position (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Operations (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Proxy Statement 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Supplier Expectations (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – US House of Representatives, Lobbying Disclosure 2nd quarter report 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2022 – Valuing Human Rights (webpage) 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp – 2022 – Registry of Lobbyists, Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, Version 42 of 42 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – ConocoPhillips UK Holdings Limited – 2022 – Statement on Modern Slavery 2022
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2021 – Annual Report Form 10-K 2021
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2021 – Public Policy and Sustainability Committee Charter 2021
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2021 – UK Tax Policy 2021
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2021 – Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Annual Report 2021
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Alaska Factsheet 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Canada Factsheet 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Code of Business Ethics and Conduct 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings since 2014 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Europe and North Africa Fact Sheet 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Lower 48 Factsheet 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Other International and Exploration Factsheet 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Overview Fact Sheet 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – Quarterly Report Form 10-Q, Q1 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2020 – US House of Representative, Lobbying Disclosure 2nd quarter report 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp – 2020 – Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, 12-Month Lobbying Activity 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – ConocoPhillips UK Holdings Limited – 2020 – Statement on Modern Slavery 2020
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Annual Report Form 10-K 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Asia Pacific and Middle East Factsheet 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Audit and Finance Committee Charter 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Business and Trade Associations with Membership Dues over $50,000 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – ConocoPhillips Corporate Political Contributions 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – ConocoPhillips Spirit PAC Contributions 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Current Report Form 8-K 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Environment Social and Governance Highlights 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – GHG Emissions (webpage) 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – GHG Emissions Intensity Target (webpage) 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Managing Climate-Related Risk 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Other ConocoPhillips Political Expenses 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Performance by year 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Proxy Statement 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Quarterly Report Form 10-Q, Q2 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – UK Tax Policy 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2019 – Worldwide Operations and Locations 2019
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2018 – Environment, Social and Governance Highlights 2018
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2018 – Sustainability Report 2018
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – 2018 – Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, Annual Report 2018
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – ConocoPhillips UK – nd – Europe Commercial (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Board Oversight (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Business Ethics (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Code of Business Ethics and Conduct nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Code of Business Ethics and Conduct, Expectations of Suppliers nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Community Risk Management (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Ethics Helpline, Commonly asked questions (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Executive Management Sustainable Development Oversight (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – GHG Target Principles (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Health, Safety & Environment Policy (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Human Rights Due Diligence nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Human Rights Position (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Key Stakeholders (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Make a Report nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Managing Sustainable Development Risks (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Organizational Management Sustainable Development Governance (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Political Contributions Policy (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Power in Cooperation, Transportation to Markets (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Public Policy Engagement (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Supplier Expectations (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Supply chain policy nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Supply Chain Sustainability (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Sustainable Development Governance (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Valuing Human Rights (webpage) nd
ConocoPhillips ConocoPhillips – nd – Code of Ethics and Business Conduct nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – Eni Position on Conflict Minerals 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – Eni Trade & Biofuels (webpage) 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – Environmental Protection (webpage) 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – EU Transparency Register 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – EU Transparency Register list of meetings 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – Position on contract transparency (webpage) 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – US Senate Lobbying report 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2022 – Whistleblowing Report (webpage) 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – Eni Trade & Biofuels – 2022 – HSE Policy (italian) 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels Eni – Eni Trade & Biofuels SpA – 2022 – ETB additional file 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels Eni – Eni Trade & Biofuels SpA – 2022 – Integrative file n.2 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels Eni – Eni Trade & Biofuels SpA – 2022 – Integrative file n.3 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels Eni – 2022 – Shareholders and governance (website) 2022
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Annual Report, Form 20F 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – CDP Water security questionnaire 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Corporate Governance and Shareholding Structure Report 2021 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Corporate Governance and Shareholding Structure Report 2021, extract BoD 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Eni for 2021 a just transition 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Eni for 2021 carbon neutrality 2050 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Eni for 2021 executive summary 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Eni for 2021 human rights 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Eni for 2021 human rights, figure p63 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Eni for 2021 sustainability performance 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Form SD Conflict Mineral Disclosure 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Management system guidelines Anti-Corruption 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Meetings and activities of the Control and Risk Committee in 2021 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Meetings and activities of the Sustainability and Scenarios Committee in 2021 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Report on Payments to Governments 2021 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Rules of the Sustainability and Scenarios Committee 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2021 – Slavery and Humany Trafficking Statement 2021 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels Eni – Eni Trade & Biofuels SpA – 2021 – Financial Statement 2021
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Advice to shareholders of Board of Directors 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Advice to shareholders of Board of Statutory Auditors 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Anti-corruption Compliance Program (webpage) 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Assessment of industry associations’ climate policy positions 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – By-laws 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Code of Ethics 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Corporate Governance Model (webpage) 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – ENI For 2020, Human Rights 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Fact Sheet 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – List of Shareholders (webpage) 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Long-Term Incentive Plan 2020-2022 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Management System Guideline, Whistleblowing reports received 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Managers’ transactions and shareholdings (webpage) 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Model 231 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Position on conflict minerals 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Presentation, Long-term Strategic Plan to 2050 and 2020-2023 Action Plan 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Report on remuneration policy and remuneration paid 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Rules of the Board of Statutory Auditors 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Rules of the Control and Risk Committee 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Rules of the Nomination Committee 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Rules of the Remuneration Committee 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Rules of the Sustainability and Scenarios Committee 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – US House of Representative, Lobbying Disclosure, 2nd quarter report 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Mexico – 2020 – Human Rights Impact Assessment, Area 1 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – 2020 – Model 231 (Italian) 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – 2020 – Responses to Clarification Questions 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2020 – Country by Country Report 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – Eni Trade & Biofuels – 2020 – Model 231 2020
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Annual Report, Form 20F 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Corporate Governance Report 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – ENI For 2019, Carbon Neutrality in the Long Term 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – ENI For 2019, Executive Summary 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – ENI For 2019, Sustainability Performance 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – ESG Data 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Form SD, Conflict Mineral Disclosure 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Global Framework Agreement on Industrial Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Management System Guideline, Antitrust 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Meetings and activities of the Sustainability and Scenarios Committee in 2019 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Remuneration Report 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Sustainability Report, ENI For 2019, A Just Transition 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – Sustainability Report, ENI For 2019, A Just Transition 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2019 – The Internal Control and Risk Management System (webpage) 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Angola – 2019 – Human Rights Assessment, Cabinda North 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Mexico – 2019 – Human Rights Action Plan, Area 1 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – 2019 – Sensitive Activities and Specific Control Standards of Model 231 (Italian) 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – 2019 – Financial Statement 2019 (short version) 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels WBCSD – 2019 – CEO Guide to Human Rights 2019
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2018 – Corporate Governance Code 2018
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2018 – Country by Country Report 2018
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2018 – Fact Book 2018
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2018 – Report on Payments to Governments 2018
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2018 – Tax Strategy 2018
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2017 – Management System Guideline, Transaction with related parties 2017
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2014 – Management System Guideline, Anti-Corruption 2014
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – 2011 – Sustainability Policy 2011
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Myanmar – nd – Human Rights Report, Block RSF-5 nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – nd – Articles of Association (Italian) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – nd – Corporate Structure nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – nd – Integrative File #2 for RMF Assessment nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – ENI Trading and Shipping – nd – Integrative File for Responsible Mining Foundation Assessment nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Policy nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Board of Directors (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Board Secretary and Corporate Governance Counsel Charter nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Commitment to Respect Human Rights (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Eni Space, Home Page (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Eni’s proposals on corporate governance nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Eni’s management of whistleblowing reports (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Environmental Protection (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – FAQs on Board of Directors (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – FAQs on Remuneration (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Natural gas and LNG (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Operations (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Organisational Structure nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Our integrated activities (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Our relationship with our stakeholders (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Parties involved in administration, control or management (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Partner selection Process (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Poster, How to submit a whistleblowing report nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Privacy Information Anti-Corruption Due Diligence nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Privacy Information Notice on Whistleblowing nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Procurement Internal Website, home page (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Statement on Respect for Human Rights nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Supplier Code of Conduct nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Supplier Collaboration (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Suppliers FAQs (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – The Sustainability and Scenarios Committee (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Trading and Shipping Activities (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Trading and Shipping, the REACH, REMIT and EMIR (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Transparency (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Whistleblowing Report Form (webpage) nd
Eni Trade & Biofuels ENI – nd – Rules of the Control and Risk Committee nd
ExxonMobil Exxonmobil – 2022 – Advancing Climate Solutions Progress Report 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Audit Committee Charter (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Board of Directors (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Canada Lobbyists Registration System 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Code of Ethics (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Crude trading (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Energy & Carbon Summary (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Environmental management (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Human Rights (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Notice of 2022 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – OIMS Framework Brochure 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Public Issues and Contributions Committee Charter (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Supplier, vendor and contractor expectations (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Supply chain management (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2022 – Water management (webpage) 2022
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2021 – Energy and Carbon Summary 2021
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2021 – Financial and Operating Data 2021
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2021 – Form 10-K 2021
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2021 – US House Q4 Lobbying Report 2021
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Annual Meeting of Shareholders, Supplemental Response 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Board of Directors (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Conflict Minerals (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Corporate governance guidelines and additional policies (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Corporate officers and affiliated companies (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Energy and Carbon Summary 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Human rights (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Investor Presentation 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Lobbying Report Q1 2020 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Notice of 2020 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Political contributions and lobbying (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Presentation, Investor Day 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Statement on labor and the workplace (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – US House of Representative, Lobbying Disclosure, 2nd quarter report 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – US PAC Contributions 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – XTO – 2020 – Pipelines Public Awareness (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Sustainability Report Highlights 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – Sustainability Report Human Rights 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2020 – UK Tax Strategy (webpage) 2020
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Corporate Political Contributions to State Candidates and Committees 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – EU Policy principles (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – EU policy recommendations (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Executive Compensation Overview 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Financial and Operating Data 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Financial Statement and Supplemental Information 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Form 10K, Annual Report 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Global energy trade, creating a robust network (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Lobbying Contribution Report H2 2019 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Outlook for Energy 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Summary Annual Report 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Supplier, vendor and contractor expectations (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2019 – Worldwide Giving Report 2018 (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – XTO – 2019 – Pipeline Safety and Operations (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – XTO – 2019 – Year-End Supplier Communications (webpage) 2019
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Business divisions (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – LNG Global Portfolio (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Our guiding principles (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Our history (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – SEC Exhibit 21, Subsidiaries of the Registrant (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Socioeconomic Management Standard (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report Highlights 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Content Index (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Human Rights (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Reporting Guidelines and Legal Information (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Safety (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Shareholder relations (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Supply chain management (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainability Report, Working with local communities (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Sustainable water solutions, public policy considerations (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Transparency and anti-corruption (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – U.S. energy policy changes could create thousands of jobs (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Worldwide Contributions and Community Investments 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – Mobil Trading and Supply Limited – 2018 – Slavery and human trafficking statement 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Operations Integrity Management System Chairmans message (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2018 – Putting OIMS into practice (webpage) 2018
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2017 – Board Affairs Committee Charter (webpage) 2017
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2017 – Global Diversity Booklet 2017
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2017 – Standards of Business Conduct 2017
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2017 – Sustainability Report Highlights 2017
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2016 – Guidelines for the Selection of Non-employee Directors (webpage) 2016
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2016 – Procedures for Shareholders and Other Interested Parties to Communicate to the Non-Employee Directors (webpage) 2016
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2016 – Progress Through Partnership 2016
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2016 – Wholesale Fuel Sales and Services 2016
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2014 – Anti-Corruption Legal Compliance Guide 2014
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2014 – Antiboycott Legal Compliance Guide 2014
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2014 – Antitrust and Competition Law Legal Compliance Guide 2014
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2014 – Guidelines for Review of Related Person Transactions (webpage) 2014
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2011 – Executive Committee Charter (webpage) 2011
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2010 – Political Activities Policies and Guidelines 2010
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2009 – Finance Committee Charter (webpage) 2009
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2009 – Operations Integrity Management System 2009
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2007 – Board Statement on Incentive Compensation in Case of Restatement (webpage) 2007
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – 2001 – Certificate of incorporation and by-laws (webpage) 2001
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – LNG – nd – A Global Presence (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – LNG – nd – LNG leadership and team (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – LNG – nd – Sustained growth in the LNG industry (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – nd – Code of Ethics (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – nd – Crude Trading (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – nd – Global Operations (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – nd – LNG, Fueling the Future nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – nd – Management committee (webpage) nd
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil – nd – Socioeconomic Management nd
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2022 – Find Us (website) 2022
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2022 – Gerald Group Joine Responsible Minerals Initiative 2022
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2022 – Modern Slavery Act Statement (webpage) 2022
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2022 – Sustainability Policy 2022
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2022 – US Lobbying Report LD-2 Disclosure Form (Q2) 2022
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2022 – US Lobbying Report LD-2 Disclosure Form (Q3) 2022
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2021 – Gerald Group Tin ITSCI Report 2021
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2021 – Press Release Marampa Mines Iron Ore from Sierra Leone 2021
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2021 – Press Release new senior women executives 2021
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2021 – Press Release Sierra Leone and Gerald Group announce Marampa Project (webpage) 2021
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2020 – Tax Strategy 2020
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2019 – Health & Safety, Environment and Community Report 2019
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2019 – Health, Safety, Environment & Communities (webpage) 2019
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2019 – Summary Code of Conduct 2019
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2019 – Tin ITSCI Report 2019
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2019 – Summary Policy Health, Safety, Environment and Communities 2019
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2018 – Press Release, Establishment of Gerald International Ltd (webpage) 2018
Gerald Group Gerald Group – 2015 – Modern Slavery Act Statement (webpage) 2015
Gerald Group Gerald Group – nd – Group Profile (webpage) nd
Gerald Group Gerald Group – nd – Responsible Metals Trading nd
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Australian Government Lobbyist Register 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Contract Transparency (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Ethics and Compliance Programme 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – EU Transparency Register 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Group Entities (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Investigations (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – LME Approved brands 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Lobbying (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Our Approach to Transparency (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Regulatory News Service (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Suplier Code of Conduct 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Third Quarter Production Report 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – Transparency CEO Quote (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – US Senate lobbying disclosure 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – World map (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2022 – World map marketing offices (webpage) 2022
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Answers to Clarification Questions III 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Joint Venture beneficial ownership (webpage) 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Anti Money Laundering Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Climate Change Report 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Code of Conduct 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Corporate Communications Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – EITI Statement by Companies, Beneficial Ownership Transparency Forum 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Environmental Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Ethics and Compliance Report 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Extended ESG Data 2021 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Fraud Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Full Year Production Report 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Health and Safety Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Human Rights Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) Responsible Mineral Supply Chains Report 2021 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Market Conduct Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Modern Slavery Statement 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Payments to Governments Report 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Political Engagement Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Reporting Criteria for Selected KPIs 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Responsible Sourcing Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Sanctions Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Social Performance Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Tax Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – UNGC Communication on Progress 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2021 – Whistleblowing Policy 2021
Glencore Glencore – Minara Resources – 2021 – Public Due Diligence Report 2021 2021
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions II 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Presentation, Investor Update 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Q3 Production Report 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Supplier Standard 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Supply Chain Due Diligence Overview 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – ESG data book and GRI index 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2020 – Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) Public Due Diligence Report 2020 2020
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Annual report 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Climate Change Position Statement 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Environmental, Social and Governance data 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Group Tax Policy 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Human Rights Report 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Modern Slavery Statement 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Payments to Governments Report 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Presentation, SRI rating agencies webinar 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Risk Factors reproduced from the EMTN Base Prospectus 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
Glencore Glencore – 2018 – Code of Conduct 2018
Glencore Glencore – 2018 – Global Anti-Corruption Policy 2018
Glencore Glencore – 2018 – Sustainability Report 2018
Glencore Glencore – 2018 – United Nations Global Compact, Communication on Progress 2018
Glencore Glencore – 2017 – Sustainability Policy 2017
Glencore Glencore – 2017 – Sustainability Report 2017
Glencore Glencore – Glencore Holdings Australia – nd – Australian Government Lobbyist Register nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Annex, draft contract clauses nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – EQS Integrity Line (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Human Rights Policy nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – List of associations and memberships nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Our approach to Sustainability nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Our approach to transparency (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Suppliers FAQs (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Suppliers, Our expectations (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Sustainability, Community and human rights (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Sustainability, Our approach to sustainability (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Sustainability, Responsible Sourcing and Supply (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Terms of Reference Ethics, Compliance and Culture Committee nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Terms of reference Health, Safety, Environment and Communities Committee nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – What we do, Marketing (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Who we are, Governance, Compliance (Webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Who we are, Governance, Reporting Misconduct (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – Who we are, Transparency (webpage) nd
Glencore Glencore – nd – World map (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – A Global Business (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Business Register Excerpt 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Careers (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Compliance & Ethics (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Group Brochure 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – GTR – As deadline looms, some traders remain wary of russia oil price cap (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – H1 2022 Results (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Leadership (Torbjörn Törnqvist) (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Leadership (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Pipelines & Storage (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Refineries (tab 1) (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Refineries (tab 2) (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Statement regarding the war in Ukraine (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Terminals (tab 1) (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Terminals (tab 2) (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2022 – Terminals (tab 3) (webpage) 2022
Gunvor Gunvor – 2021 – Sustainability, Ethics & Compliance Report 2021
Gunvor Gunvor – 2020 – HSEC Governance Framework 2020
Gunvor Gunvor – 2020 – Sustainability, Ethics & Compliance Report 2020
Gunvor Gunvor – 2019 – Compliance Factsheet 2019
Gunvor Gunvor – 2019 – Group Summary 2019
Gunvor Gunvor – 2019 – News Release, Group Results (webpage) 2019
Gunvor Gunvor – 2019 – Sustainability Ethics & Compliance Report 2019
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – Code of Conduct Ethics for Business Partners 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – Group Brochure 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – News Release, Gunvor closes innovative US745 million Facility linked to Sustainability Targets (webpage) 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – News Release, Gunvor joins EITI (webpage) 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – News Release, Gunvor moves to integrate UN Human Rights Principles (webpage) 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – Payments to Governments, EITI 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2018 – Sustainability Ethics & Compliance Report 2018
Gunvor Gunvor – 2017 – Group Brochure 2017
Gunvor Gunvor – 2016 – Independent Inspection Requirements 2016
Gunvor Gunvor – 2016 – The Resolution of the Board of Directors on Poland Tariff End Users Gas 2016
Gunvor Gunvor – 2015 – Poland Energy Regulatory Office decision in respect of the Tariff for High-Methane Gas (Polish) 2015
Gunvor Gunvor – Clearlake Shipping – nd – About Company Profile (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – Clearlake Shipping – nd – Compliance (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – Clearlake Shipping – nd – HSE (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – Gunvor Petroleum Rotterdam – nd – About (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – Gunvor Petroleum Rotterdam – nd – HSEC (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Bulk Materials Trade (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Clearlake Shipping – Compliance (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Compliance and Ethics (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Crude Oil Trade (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Health & Safety (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Investments in Pipelines & Storage (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Leadership (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Product Safety (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Refined Products & Energy Trade (webpage) nd
Gunvor Gunvor – nd – Risk Management (webpage) nd
LITASCO LITASCO – 2022 – Contacts (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LITASCO – 2022 – General Information (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LITASCO – 2022 – LITASCO SA (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LITASCO – 2022 – Support functions (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Board of Directors (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Clean water (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Energy efficiency (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Ethics (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Group Sustainability Policy 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Human rights (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – International Projects (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Reuters: Three foreign representatives quit board of Russias Lukoil (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Supply chain (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Tax policy (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2022 – Wholesale and Trading (webpage) 2022
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2021 – Annual Report of PJSC Lukoil 2021
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2021 – CDP Climate Change Report 2021
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2021 – Consolidated Financials 2021
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2021 – Group Sustainability Report 2021
LITASCO Litasco – 2020 – Response to clarification Questions 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2020 – Analyst Databook Q2 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2020 – Annual General Shareholders Meeting Materials 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2020 – Anti-Corruption Policy 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2020 – Ecological Culture 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2020 – Health, Safety and Environmental Policy of Lukoil Group in the 21st Century 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2020 – Press Release, Inventory of GHG Emissions Sources and Emissions Calculation 2020
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2020 – Consolidated Financials 2020
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2020 – Regulation on the Strategy, Investment, Sustainability and climate adaptation Committee 2020
LITASCO LUKOIL – 2020 – Report on Payments to Governments 2020
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Annual Report, Appendices 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Consolidated Financial Statements 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Databook 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Management Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Regulations of the Strategy, Investment, and Sustainability Committee of the Board of Directors 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Regulations on the Management Committee 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Report on Payments to Governments 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
LITASCO Lukoil – 2018 – Code of Business Conduct and Ethics 2018
LITASCO Lukoil – 2017 – Social Code 2017
LITASCO Lukoil – 2017 – UK Tax Strategy 2017
LITASCO Lukoil – 2016 – Regulations on the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors 2016
LITASCO Lukoil – 2016 – Regulations on the Board of Directors 2016
LITASCO Lukoil – 2016 – Regulations on the Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors 2016
LITASCO Lukoil – 2016 – Risk Management and Internal Control Policy 2016
LITASCO Lukoil – 2015 – Charter of the Company 2015
LITASCO Litasco – 2014 – General Terms and Conditions for Sales and Purchases of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products 2014
LITASCO Litasco – 2014 – Group Booklet 2014
LITASCO Lukoil – 2002 – Social Code 2002
LITASCO Litasco – nd – Activities (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – Contacts (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – General Information (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – History (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – Key Business Activities (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – Leadership (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – Responsibility (webpage) nd
LITASCO Litasco – nd – Support Functions (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Biodiversity (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Board of Directors (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Contribution to UN Sustainable Development Goals nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Environmental Monitoring (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Environmental Protection (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – HSE Management System (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Human Resources Management (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – International Tenders (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Management Committee (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Management Shares (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Oil Trading (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Remuneration of Directors and Management Committee Members (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Structure of the 2018-2020 Environmental Safety Program for Lukoil Group Entities nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Subsidiaries (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Sustainability (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Template Form for Preparing the Bid nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Template Instruction to Bidders nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Wholesale and Trading (webpage) nd
LITASCO Lukoil – nd – Zero Discharge, Clean Sea nd
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Biofuel refining (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Dry Bulk Commodities (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Infrastructure & logistics (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Management (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Performance & risk management (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Report on Payments to Governments 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Ruggie Principles (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Trading – Dry bulk commodities (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2022 – Upstream oil & gas (webpage) 2022
Mercuria Mercuria – 2021 – Corporate social responsibility report – Governance & Organization 2021
Mercuria Mercuria – 2021 – Corporate social responsibility report – People 2021
Mercuria Mercuria – 2021 – Corporate social responsibility report – People 2021
Mercuria Mercuria – 2021 – Corporate social responsibility report – Planet 2021
Mercuria Mercuria – 2020 – Corporate Responsibility Report 2020
Mercuria Mercuria – 2019 – Our Corporate Responsibilities Report 2019
Mercuria Mercuria – 2019 – Report on Payments to Governments 2019
Mercuria Mercuria – 2019 – UK Tax Strategy 2019
Mercuria Mercuria – Minerva – 2019 – Bunkering Terms and Conditions 2019
Mercuria STSA – 2019 – Code of Conduct 2019
Mercuria Mercuria – 2018 – Our Corporate Responsibilities Report 2018
Mercuria Mercuria – 2018 – Report on Payments to Governments 2018
Mercuria Mercuria – 2014 – Health, Safety and Environmental Policy Statement 2014
Mercuria Canton de Genève – 2007 – Trade Registry, Mercuria Energy Group Holding SA (French) 2007
Mercuria Mercuria – Minerva – nd – Corporate Brochure nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Biofuel Refining Assets (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Bunkering and Maritime (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Code of Conduct nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Compliance (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Conflict Minerals Statement nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Dry Bulk Commodities Assets (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Governance (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Health, Safety and Environment (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Infrastructure and Logistic Assets (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Our History (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Performance and Risk Management (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Social Responsibility (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Supply Chains and Responsible Sourcing nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Base metals (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Biofuels (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Coal (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Crude oil (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Dry bulk (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Environmental markets (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Fuel oil (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Gasoline and naphta (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Hard commodities (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, LNG (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Middle distillates (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Natural gas (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Petrochemicals (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Power (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Trading, Soft commodities (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Upstream oil & gas Assets (webpage) nd
Mercuria Mercuria – nd – Working at Mercuria (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2022 – Board of Directors (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2022 – Business Registration Info (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2022 – Management (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2022 – Management (webpage) 2022
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2022 – Organisational Chart (webpage) 2022
Minmetals International China Minmetals – China Minmetals NFM Co. Ltd. – 2022 – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2021 – Sustainability Report (Chinese) 2021
Minmetals International China Minmetals – Minmetals Development Co. Ltd. – 2021 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2021
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2020 – Interim Report 2020
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2020 – Implementation of the Rectification and Reform of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate (Chinese) (Webpage) 2020
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2020 – Sustainability Report 2020
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2020 – Sustainability Report (Chinese) 2020
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2019 – Annual Act Report and Key Financial Data (Chinese) (webpage) 2019
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2019 – Business Registration Info (Chinese) (webpage) 2019
Minmetals International China Minmetals – Minmetals Development Co. Ltd. – 2019 – Annual Report (Chinese) 2019
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2018 – Sustainability Report 2018
Minmetals International China Minmetals – 2018 – Sustainability Report (Chinese) 2018
Minmetals International China Minmetals – China Minmetals NFM Co. Ltd. – nd – Business Support Department (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – China Minmetals NFM Co. Ltd. – nd – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – China Minmetals NFM Co. Ltd. – nd – Direct Management (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – China Minmetals NFM Co. Ltd. – nd – Function Department (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – China Minmetals NFM Co. Ltd. – nd – Human Rights (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Board of Directors (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Chairman’s Speech (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Chairman’s Speech (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – CSR Organizational Structure (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Management (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Management (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Organisational Chart (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Minmetals International China Minmetals – nd – Organisational Chart (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – CDP Report 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – Compliance (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – Corporate Brochure 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – Environmental Management (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – Human Rights (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – MCs Sustainability Promotion Framework (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – Supplementary Information for the Three Months Ended June 2022 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2022 – Supply Chain Management (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM China – 2022 – Company Profile (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – 2022 – Corporate Information 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – 2022 – ISO14001 Certification and Environmental Policy (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – 2022 – Socially Responsible Procurement Policy (webpage) 2022
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2021 – CDP Report 2021
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2021 – Financial Section of Integrated Report 2021
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2021 – Integrated Report 2021
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Approaches to Corporate Governance (webpage) 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Corporate Brochure 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Corporate Governance Report 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Directors & Officers (webpage) 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Financial Information Factsheet 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Financial Results, FYE March 2020 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Conditions and Results of Operations 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Supplementary Information FYE March 2020 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Supplementary Information FYE March 2020 (Data Section) 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – 2020 – Network, Domestic Business Investment Affiliates (webpage) 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – 2020 – Network, Overseas Business Investment Affiliates (webpage) 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Compliance Report 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2020 – Sustainability Report 2020
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – Anti-Corruption Guideline 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – ESG Data Book 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – ESG Data Book, Environmental Management 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – ESG Data Book, Human Resource Development 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – ESG Data Book, Human rights 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – ESG Data Book, Labor Practices 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – Integrated Report 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – Investors Note 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2019 – Performance Data (webpage) 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – 2019 – Environmental Targets 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – 2019 – Financial Results FYE March 2019 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – 2019 – ISO 14001 Certification and Environmental Policy (webpage) 2019
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2018 – Corporate Disclosure Policy (webpage) 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2018 – ESG Data Book 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2018 – Midterm Corporate Strategy 2021 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2018 – Midterm Corporate Strategy 2021, Reference Materials 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2018 – Slavery and human tracking statement 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – 2018 – Consolidated Financial Results for FY2018 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – 2018 – Company Profile 2018
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2017 – Compliance Report 2017
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2017 – Mitsubishi Corporation Environmental Charter (webpage) 2017
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2017 – Mitsubishi Corporation Social Charter (webpage) 2017
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – 2017 – Environmental Charter (webpage) 2017
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Company Outline (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Corporate Profile, Compliance (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Corporate Profile, The Metal One Way (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Environmental Programs (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Metal One’s Corporate Social Responsibility (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Network, Domestic Offices and Subsidiaries (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Network, Overseas Bases (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – Metal One Corporation – nd – Safety and Health Promotion (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Approaches to Internal Control System (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Code of Conduct nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Compliance (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Detailed Organizational Chart nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Directors and officers (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Global Network, Countries and Regions (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Mineral Resources Group (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Participation in the UN Global Compact (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Respect for Human Rights (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Screening Investments for Environmental and Social Impacts (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Stock data (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Supply Chain Management (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Sustainability Promotion Framework (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – The Sustainability Advisory Committee (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – nd – Work Environment (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM China – nd – Company Profile nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Corporate Principles (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Global Presence (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Global Presence, Asia Pacific (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Products, Aluminium (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Products, Coal (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Products, Copper (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Products, Iron Ore (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Products, Nickel, Ferro Alloy (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Products, Precious Metals (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM International – nd – Value Proposition (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – nd – Company Outline nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – nd – CSR Procurement Survey nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – nd – Philosophy and Principles (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – nd – Socially Responsible Procurement Policy (webpage) nd
Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi – RtM Japan – nd – Survey on the Management of Chemicals in Products nd
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – About Us Corporate Profile (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Annual Securities Report 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Business Conduct Guidelines (website) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Climate Change (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Compliance and Integrity (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Consolidated Financial Results 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Corporate Brochure 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Corporate Governance & Internal Controls (website) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Corporate Governance Report 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Corporate Profile (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Directors and Senior Management (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Disclosure based on TCFD Recommendations 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Energy Business Unit I (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Energy Business Unit II (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Environmental Management (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Environmental Performance Data (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – ESG-Related Risk Management (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Human Rights Policy (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Infrastructure Projects Business Unit (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Integrated Report 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Major Subsidiaries and Associated Companies (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Mineral and Metal Resources Business Unit (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Mobility Business Unit II (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Notice of the 103st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Risk Management (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Sustainable Supply Chain Management 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Sustainable Supply Chain Policy 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Tax Transparency (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Trading Up Building an energy marketing business from scratch (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2022 – Water Resources (webpage) 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Ltd – 2022 – Australian Government Lobbyist Register 2022
Mitsui Mitsui – 2021 – LD-2 Disclosure Form – US Lobbying January 2021 2021
Mitsui Mitsui – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Annual Securities Report 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Company Organisation (webpage) 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Consolidated Financial Results 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Corporate Disclosure Policy (webpage) 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Corporate Governance and Internal Control Principles 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Corporate Governance Report 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Data Book on Consolidated Financial Results 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Directors and Senior Management (webpage) 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Evaluation of Effectiveness of the Board of Directors 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – GRI Standards Comparison Chart (webpage) 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Human Rights Policy 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Notice of the 101st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Sustainability Report 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2020 – Sustainable Supply Chain Policy 2020
Mitsui Mitsui – 2019 – Business Conduct Guidelines for Employees and Officers (webpage) 2019
Mitsui Mitsui – 2019 – Corporate Brochure 2019
Mitsui Mitsui – 2019 – GRI Standards Comparison Chart (webpage) 2019
Mitsui Mitsui – 2019 – Group Conduct Guidelines 2019
Mitsui Mitsui – 2019 – Integrated Report 2019
Mitsui Mitsui – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
Mitsui Mitsui – 2018 – Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2018
Mitsui Mitsui – 2016 – Anti-Corruption Policy 2016
Mitsui Mitsui – Mitsui E&P UK Ltd – 2015 – UK Companies House Extractives Services, Government Payments 2015
Mitsui Mitsui – 2013 – Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Officers and Professionals (webpage) 2013
Mitsui Mitsui – 2013 – Information Security Policy (webpage) 2013
Mitsui Mitsui – Mitsui E&P Australia Pty Ltd – nd – Australian Government Lobbyist Register (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – 16 Headquarters Business Units and 3 Regional Business Units (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Basic CSR Policy (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Basic Materials Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Business Scope (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Compliance and Risk Management (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Corporate Development Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Corporate Governance and Internal Controls (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Corporate Profile (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Data of Personnel Affairs (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Energy Business Unit I (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Energy Business Unit II (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Energy Solutions Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Environmental Policy (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Food Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Global Tax Management Policy nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Healthcare and Service Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Infrastructure Projects Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Iron & Steel Products Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – IT and Communication Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Major Subsidiaries and Associated Companies (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Medium Term Management Plan (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Mineral and Metal Resources Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Mobility Business Unit I (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Mobility Business Unit II (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Nutrition and Agriculture Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Operating Segment (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Performance Materials Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Retail Business Unit (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Risk Factors (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Services and Products (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Social Contribution Concepts (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Status of Corporate Governance (webpage) nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Supply Chain CSR Policy nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Sustainable Supply Chain Policy nd
Mitsui Mitsui – nd – Worldwide Network (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT International – 2022 – Interim Report 2022
MRI Trading CWT International – 2022 – International Commodity Marketing (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading CWT International – 2022 – Restructuring Announcement 2022
MRI Trading CWT Limited – 2022 – Ethics and Compliance (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading CWT Limited – 2022 – Home (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading CWT Limited – 2022 – Leadership (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading CWT Limited – 2022 – Our Vision (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading CWT Limited – 2022 – Sustainability 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – About Us (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Business Register Excerpt 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Compliance Framework 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Grievances (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Offices (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Services (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Sustainability (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2022 – Whistleblowing (webpage) 2022
MRI Trading CWT International – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
MRI Trading CWT International – 2021 – Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2021
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – 2020 – Interim Report 2020
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2020 – 10 Point ESG Fact Sheet 2020
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2020 – Business Register Excerpt 2020
MRI Trading MRI Trading – 2020 – Compliance Framework 2020
MRI Trading CWT International – 2020 – Annual Report 2020
MRI Trading CWT International – 2020 – Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2020
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – 2019 – Environmental Social and Governance Report 2019
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – 2019 – Environmental Social and Governance Report 2019
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – 2018 – Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2018
MRI Trading CWT International – 2017 – Articles of Association 2017
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Code of Ethics and Business Conduct nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Governance (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Group Tax Strategy nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – International Commodity Marketing (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Leadership (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Leadership (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Overview (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT International Limited – nd – Sustainability (webpage) nd
MRI Trading MRI Trading – nd – About Us (webpage) nd
MRI Trading MRI Trading – nd – Offices (webpage) nd
MRI Trading MRI Trading – nd – Services (webpage) nd
MRI Trading MRI Trading – nd – Whistleblowing (webpage) nd
MRI Trading CWT Limited – nd – Code of Ethics and Business Conduct nd
MRI Trading CWT Limited – nd – Group Tax Strategy nd
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Board Committees (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Board Of Directors (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Corporate Governance (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Energy Coal (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Head Office, Regional Hubs (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Metallurgical Coke and Coal (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Metals, Minerals & Ores (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Oil Products (webpage) 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Q1 Earnings Call Announcement 2022
Noble Resources Noble Resources Trading – 2022 – Unaudited Interim Results 2022
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2021 – Conflict minerals policy 2021
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2021 – Report of the directors and audited financial statements 2021
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2021 – Unaudited Results Presentation 2021
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – 1H Result Addendum 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Due Diligence for Minerals Supply Chains (webpage) 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Interim Report 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Managing Social and Environmental Risk in Project Finance (webpage) 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Modern Slavery Statement 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Sustainable Value Chain for Rare Earths Materials (webpage) 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Towards Carbon Neutrality (webpage) 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – Financial and Operational Report 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2020 – IMM Procedures and Processes for Sourcing Minerals from Conflict Regions 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – Noble Trading Hold Co Limited – 2020 – Report of the Directors and Audited Financial Statements 2020
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2019 – Conflict minerals policy 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2019 – IMM Procedures and Processes for Sourcing Minerals from Conflict Regions 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2019 – Interim Financial Results Presentation 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2019 – Interim Financial Results Presentation 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2019 – Report of the Directors and Audited Financial Statements 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – Noble Trading Hold Co Limited – 2019 – Report of the Directors and Audited Financial Statements 2019
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Board Committees (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Board Of Directors (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units – Industrials Metals and Minerals and Special Ores and Alloys (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Energy, Coal (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Energy, Liquefied Natural Gas (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Energy, Oil Products (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Metallurgical Coke and Coal (webpage).pdf nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Metals Minerals and Ores, Alumina and Aluminium (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Metals Minerals and Ores, Base Metals (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Business Units, Metals Minerals and Ores, Technology Metals (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Climate Change and Energy Use (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Community Empowerment (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Corporate Governance (webpage) nd
Noble Resources Noble Group Holdings Limited – nd – Our Approach (webpage) nd
Phibro Phibro – 2022 – History of Phibro (webpage) 2022
Phibro Phibro – 2022 – Our Office (webpage) 2022
Phibro Phibro – 2016 – Phibro In The News, Group acquires Coal Gasification Plant (webpage) 2016
Phibro Phibro – nd – Global Energy and Commodities Group Profile (webpage) nd
Phibro Phibro – nd – History of Phibro (webpage) nd
Phibro Phibro – nd – Phibro LLC Acquired by Energy Arbitrage Partners nd
RGL Group RGL Group – Shanghai Ruiyelian Industrial Co Ltd – 2022 – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
RGL Group RGL Group – 2020 – Company Profile (per qichamao.com) (Chinese) (webpage) 2020
RGL Group RGL Group – 2019 – Company Profile (per qixin.com) (Chinese) (webpage) 2019
RGL Group RGL Group – 2019 – Company Profile (per USTB Campus Recruit) (Chinese) (webpage) 2019
RGL Group RGL Group – 2007 – Company Profile (per CCC for Metallurgical Ent.) (Chinese) (webpage) 2007
RGL Group RGL Group – nd – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – About Shell Trading 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Board of Directors (webpage) 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Commitments, policies and standards (webpage) 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – EU Transparency Register 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – List of Meetings with the European Commission 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Lobbying Disclosure US House of Reps 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Our Approach to Respecting Nature (webpage) 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Shell Global Helpline (webpage) 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Shell’s approach to Human Rights 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2022 – Transparency and Anti-Corruption (webpage) 2022
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Modern Slavery Statement 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Our Performance Data 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Report on Payments to Governments 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Shell Trading (US) Company General Terms and Conditions for the Sale and Purchase of Products 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2021 – Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Annual Report 2021
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – Remuneration, Shareholder Engagement 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – Responsible Investment Annual Briefing 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Canada Limited – 2020 – Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, 12 Month Lobbying Activity 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell International Trading and Shipping – 2020 – The journey from health and safety to healthy and safe 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Oil Company – 2020 – US House of Representatives Lobbying Disclosure, 2nd quarter report 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – Ethics and Compliance Manual 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – Shell Trading Section 172 Statement 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2020 – Tax Contribution Report 2020
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Annual Report and Accounts 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Annual Report, Form 20-F 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Embedding Supplier Principles 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Form SD, Conflict Minerals Disclosure 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Investors Handbook 2015-2019 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Modern Slavery Statement 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Report on Payments to Governments 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Supplier Principles 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Sustainability Performance Data (webpage) 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2019 – Sustainability Report 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell International Trading and Shipping – 2019 – Strategic report 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Trading Canada – 2019 – Crude Oil General Terms and Conditions 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Trading Canada – 2019 – Products General Terms and Conditions 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell UK Limited – 2019 – Amendment to the Agreement for the Sale of Brent Blend Crude Oil 2019
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Ethics and Compliance Manual 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Joint industry human rights supply Chain engagement (webpage) 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Presentation, Board Engagement Day 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Shell Tax Contribution Report, Introduction to country-by-country reporting (webpage) 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Shell Tax Contribution Report, Our tax data by country and location (webpage) 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Shell Tax Contribution Report, Qatar (webpage) 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2018 – Tax Contribution Report 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell UK Limited – 2018 – Amendment to the Agreement for the Sale of Brent Blend Crude Oil 2018
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Trading (US) Company – 2016 – General Terms and Conditions for the Sale and Purchase of Products 2016
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2015 – Code of Conduct 2015
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2014 – General Business Principles 2014
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Trading (US) Company – 2013 – Marine Provisions for the U.S. Domestic Sale and Condensate 2013
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell International Trading and Shipping – 2010 – General Terms and Conditions for Sales and Purchases of Crude Oil 2010
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – 2010 – Trading General Terms & Conditions 2010
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell Nederland Raffinaderij, Shell Deutschland Oil, Shell Trading Roterdam – 2007 – General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Crude Oil and Oil Products 2007
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – Shell UK Limited – 1990 – Agreement for the Sale of Brent Blend Crude Oil 1990
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – About Shell for Suppliers (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – About Shell Trading (US) Company (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – About Shell Trading (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Advocacy and Political Activity (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Advocacy update (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Anti Corruption, Bribery and Extortion Policy (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Board of Directors (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Commitments, Policies and Standard (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Community engagement fact sheet nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – External Voluntary Codes (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – HSSE and Social Performance, Commitment and policy (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Human Rights, Respecting Human Rights In Our Operations (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Preventing the facilitation of tax evasion (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Responsible Business Practice (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Shell Global Helpline (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Shell Global Helpline, Telephone Numbers nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Shell’s Approach to Tax (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply Shell – nd – Sustainability Governance (webpage) nd
Shell Trading and Supply The B Team – nd – A New Bar for Responsible Tax nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – About Us (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – Business Ethics (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – CDP Climate Change Report 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission 2015 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – Global Reporting Initiative (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – Our offices TotalEnergies Trading and Shipping (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – Supply Chain (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – Sustainability & Climate Progress Report 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2022 – Vigilance Plan (webpage) 2022
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Annual Report and Form 20-F 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Code of Conduct 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Factbook 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Form SD, Disclosure on Conflict Minerals 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Fundamental Principles of Purchasing 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Key Figures Trading and Shipping 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Safety health environment quality charter 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2021 – Universal Registration Document 2021
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – At a Glance 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – Climate Report 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – Communication on Progress, Global Compact Advanced Level Self Assessment 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – EU Transparency Register, List of Meetings with European Commission since 2014 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – Organizational Chart 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – 2020 – Answers to Clarification Questions 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping WBCSD – 2020 – CEO Guide to Human Rights 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – Collection and Processing of Ethical Complaints 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – Tax Transparency Report 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2020 – Universal Registration Document 2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019-2020 – SDG Reporting 2019-2020
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Annual Report, Form 20-F 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Factbook 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Form SD, Disclosure on Conflict Minerals 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Integrating Climate Into Our Strategy 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Patrick Pouyanné signs the WBCSD’s CEO Guide to Human Rights (webpage) 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Support to the B TEAM’s Tax Principles 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Total Responds to Questions From NGOs About Its Projects in Uganda 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Universal Registration Document 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2019 – Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Annual Report 2019
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2018 – Factbook 2018
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2018 – Human Rights Briefing Paper Update 2018
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2018 – News Release, Joint industry human rights supply chain engagement (webpage) 2018
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2018 – Rules of Procedure of the Governance & Ethics Committee (French) 2018
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2018 – Rules of Procedure of the Strategy & CSR Committee (French) 2018
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2018 – Universal Registration Document 2018
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2017 – Golden Rules Safety 2017
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2017 – UK Modern Slavery Statement 2017
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2016 – Leaflet, Fundamental Principles of Purchasing 2016
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2016 – Lobbying Ethics Charter 2016
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2016 – Our Approach to Tax 2016
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2015 – Business Integrity Guide 2015
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2015 – Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Agreement signed with IndustriALL 2015
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2015 – Prevention and Fight Against Corruption 2015
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2015 – Prevention and Fight Against Fraud 2015
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – 2015 – Barge General Charter Conditions for transport by barge of petroleum and petrochemical products 2015
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – 2014 – Safety Health Environment Quality Charter 2014
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – 2007 – General terms and conditions for CFR, CIF, delivered ex ship sales of crude oil 2007
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – 2007 – General terms and conditions for CFR, CIF, delivered ex ship sales of petroleum products, feedstocks and liquefied petroleum gas 2007
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – 2007 – General terms and conditions for FOB sales of crude oil 2007
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – 2007 – General terms and conditions for FOB sales of petroleum products, feedstocks and liquified petroleum gas 2007
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Business Ethics (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Challenges identification (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Code of Conduct, Our Values in Practice nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Environment (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Fundamental Principles of Purchasing nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Human Rights (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Human Rights Guide nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Our Trading and Shipping Operations (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Share Ownership Structure (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Sharing our safety culture (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Supply chain (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Supporting Development in Emerging Countries, Policy Regarding Indigenous Peoples nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Trust based relationships with our suppliers (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Value creation for host regions (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – nd – Vigilance Plan (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – nd – A team of 500 professionals around the world (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – nd – About us (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – nd – Operational excellence (webpage) nd
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping Total – TOTSA – nd – Selective and competitive shipping (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Case study accelerating transition with low-carbon aluminium (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – CDP Climate Change Report 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Climate change and environmental management (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Compliance and Conduct (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – LD-2 Disclosure Form – US Lobbying Report January 2022 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Leadership (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Locations (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Metals and minerals (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Oil and petroleum products (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Responsible Sourcing Resource Centre (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Shipping and chartering (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Sustainability EITI (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2022 – Global grievance hotline (webpage) 2022
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Annual Report 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Code of Conduct 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Human Rights Report 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – LD-2 Disclosure Form – US Lobbying Report April 2021 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – LD-2 Disclosure Form – US Lobbying Report July 2021 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – LD-2 Disclosure Form – US Lobbying Report October 2021 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Modern Slavery Statement 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Payments to Governments Report 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2021 – Results for 2021 financial year Press release (website) 2021
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – Brochure LPG 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – Brochure Natural Gas and LNG in the Americas 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – Corporate brochure 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – Payments to Governments Report 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – Responsibility Report 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – Trafigura in Africa 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – US Crude Oil Exports Brochure 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – Trafigura Trading LLC – 2020 – US House of Representatives, Lobbying Disclosure, 2nd quarter report 2020
Trafigura Trafigura – 2020 – ERM’s Independent Review Statement to Trafigura 2020
Trafigura Impala Terminals – 2019 – Corporate Brochure 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – Annual Report 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – Code of Business Conduct 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – General terms and conditions for the sale and purchase of physical non ferrous metals 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – Responsibility Report 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – Speech given by Jeremy Weir, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for Trafigura at the FT Africa Summit, London 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – Tailing storage facilities under the direct and indirect management of trafigura 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – The Mutoshi Pilot Project 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – Trafigura Amendments to the BP General Terms & Conditions for Sales and Purchases of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2019 – UK Modern Slavery Act Statement 2019
Trafigura Trafigura – 2018 – Jeremy Weir, CEO Trafigura, Keynote Speech for LME seminar 2018
Trafigura Trafigura – 2018 – Responsibility Report 2018
Trafigura Trafigura – 2017 – Contractor HSEC Incident Reporting & Investigation Guidelines 2017
Trafigura Trafigura – 2017 – Metals and Minerals Responsible Sourcing and Supply Chain Expectations 2017
Trafigura Trafigura – 2017 – Responsibility Report 2017
Trafigura Trafigura – 2016 – Advancing Responsible Trade, Corporate Responsibility Policy 2016
Trafigura Trafigura – 2016 – HSEC Business Principles 2016
Trafigura BP Oil International Limited – 2015 – General Terms & Conditions for Sales and Purchases of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products 2015
Trafigura Trafigura – 2015 – Contractor HSEC Code of Conduct 2015
Trafigura Trafigura – 2015 – Contractor Screening & Management Process, Guidance for Contractors 2015
Trafigura Trafigura – 2015 – HSEC Contractor Screening Contractual Terms 2015
Trafigura Trafigura – 2014 – Conflict Minerals Report 2014
Trafigura Trafigura – 2014 – Payments to Governments Policy 2014
Trafigura Trafigura – 2013 – Conflict Minerals (3TG) Due Diligence Policy 2013
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Chemaf Case Study (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Global grievance hotline (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – How does Trafigura deliver oil products responsibly, reliably and to international standards nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – HSEC Resource Centre (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Locations (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Meeting the EV challenge, Responsible sourcing in the electric vehicle battery supply chain nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Metals and minerals (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Oil and petroleum products (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Responsible Sourcing Resource Centre (webpage) nd
Trafigura Trafigura – nd – Standards terms and conditions for sales and purchases of crude oil and petroleum (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2022 – Addressing Climate Change (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2022 – Key Performance – Environmental Performance (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2022 – Our Company (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2022 – Protecting the Environment (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2022 – Respecting Human Rights and Cultivating Talent (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2022 – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2022 – Company Profile (per SJTU Campus Recruit) (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2022 – Company Profile (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2022 – Development History (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2022 – Leader’s speech (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2022 – Organizational Structure (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec America Inc. – 2022 – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec Singapore Pte. Ltd. – 2022 – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec UK Co. Limited – 2022 – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) 2022
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2021 – Annual Report and Accounts 2021
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2021 – Annual Report and Accounts (Chinese) 2021
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2021 – Form 20-F 2021
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2021 – Sustainability Report 2021
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2021 – Sustainability Report (Chinese) 2021
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec UK – 2021 – Tax Strategy 2021
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – Interim Report 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – List of Directors and their Roles and Function 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – Operational Statistics for the First Half of 2020 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – Annual Report and Accounts 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – Annual Report and Accounts (Chinese) 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – Sustainability Report 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2020 – Sustainability Report (Chinese) 2020
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Annual Report and Accounts 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Annual Report and Accounts (Chinese) 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Communication on Progress for Sustainable Development 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Interim Report 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Operational Statistics 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Organizational Structure (webpage) 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Press Release, Report on Payments to Governments (webpage) 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Sustainable Development Report 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2019 – Sustainable Development Report (Chinese) 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2019 – Company Profile (per qixin.com) (Chinese) (webpage) 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2019 – Company Profile (per SJTU Campus Recruit) (Chinese) (webpage) 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec UK – 2019 – Statement of Tax Risk Policy 2019
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2018 – Annual Report and Accounts 2018
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2018 – Communication on Progress for Sustainable Development 2018
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2018 – Press Release, Report on Payments to Governments (webpage) 2018
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec UK – 2017 – Corporate Criminal Offence (Anti-Tax Evasion) Policy 2017
UNIPEC Sinopec – 2014 – Staff Code 2014
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – 2006 – Company Profile (per oil.in-en.com) (Chinese) (webpage) 2006
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Board of Supervisors (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Compliance (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Contribution to society (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Corporate Culture (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Corporate Governance (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Corporate Governance Fact Sheet (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Economic performance (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Environment & Safety (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Environment & Society, Strategy (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Environmental protection (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Green Enterprise Campaign (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Health Safety & Environment (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Human rights (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Internal Control (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Low Carbon Development (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Natural Gas (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Our Company (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Our Partners (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Refining & Sales (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Safety management (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Senior Management Members (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Sinopec and the NYSE corporate governance rules nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Subsidiaries (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Subsidiaries, Oil Products Sales (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Subsidiaries, Oilfields (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Subsidiaries, Others (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Subsidiaries, Refineries & Petrochemicals (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – nd – Wholly-owned & Controlling Subsidiaries (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – nd – Company Profile (Chinese) (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – nd – Company Profile (per baike.baidu.com) (Chinese) (webpage) nd
UNIPEC Sinopec – Unipec – nd – Company Profile (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – Crude oil and product trading (webpage) 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – Environmental & Social Framework 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – EU Transparency Register (webpage) 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – EU Transparency Register, List of meetings since 2014 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – Home (webpage) 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – Operating Globally (webpage) 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – Terminals and storage (webpage) 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2022 – US House of Representatives, Lobbying Disclosure 1st quarter report 2022
Vitol Vitol – 2021 – Environmental, Social & Governance Report 2021
Vitol Vitol – 2021 – Material Payments made to Government Authorities (2020) 2021
Vitol Vitol – 2021 – Modern slavery policy 20-21 2021
Vitol Vitol – 2020 – Modern slavery policy statement 2020
Vitol Vitol – 2020 – UK Tax Strategy 2020
Vitol Vitol – 2020 – Vesquin Trading Brochure 2020
Vitol Vitol – 2019 – General terms and conditions for rack deliveries 2019
Vitol Vitol – 2019 – Payment to Governments Report 2019
Vitol Vitol – 2018 – Payment to Governments Report 2018
Vitol Vitol – 2006 – Petroleum Agreement among The Republic of Ghana, Ghana National Petroleum Corporation and Heliconia Energy Ghana Limited 2006
Vitol Vitol – nd – Code of Conduct nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Corporate Brochure nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Energy solutions tailored for Africa nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Environment, Social, Governance (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Health, Safety, Environment, Human Rights and Communities Framework nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Responsibility, Our Commitments (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Responsibility, What we expect (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – UK Tax Strategy Report nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Arq Fuel (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Bitumen (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Coal (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Crude oil (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Ethanol (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Fuel oil (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Gasoline (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, LNG (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, LPG (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Middle distillate (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Natural gas (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Power (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do, Trading, Refined Products (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – What we do,Trading, Naphta (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Where we work (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Who we are (webpage) nd
Vitol Vitol – Sankofa – nd – A new crude from Ghana’s OCTP Development nd
Vitol Vitol – Vesquin Trading – nd – An established presence in South Africa nd
Vitol Vitol – nd – Code of business conduct and ethics nd
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Conflict Minerals Policy (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Corporate Governance (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Environment Policy (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Ferro Alloys (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Group Tax Strategy (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Human Rights Policy (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Mineral Sands (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Open Ownership Register: Wogen Beneficial Owner Alexander Ackerl Williams (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Ores and Concentrates (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Our Values (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – PGM’s, Metals and Oxides (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Rare Earths (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Traders (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – 2022 – Wogen Offices Locations (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2022 – Companies House Confirmation Statement Shareholders 2022
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2022 – UK Companies House (webpage) 2022
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2021 – Annual Report and Financial Statements – UK Companies House 2021
Wogen Wogen – 2020 – Certificate ISO 9001 2020
Wogen Wogen – 2020 – Group Tax Strategy 2020
Wogen Wogen – 2020 – Group Tax Strategy 2020
Wogen Wogen – 2020 – Responses to RMF Clarification Questions 2020
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2020 – Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2020 – Companies House Confirmation Statement 2020
Wogen Wogen – 2019 – Modern Slavery Statement 2019
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2019 – Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019
Wogen Wogen – Sanctuary Partners Ltd – 2019 – UK Companies House (webpage) 2019
Wogen Wogen – 2018 – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy 2018
Wogen Wogen – Wogen Resources South Africa – 2015 – Promotion of Access to Information Manual 2015
Wogen Open Ownership Register – nd – Wogen Beneficial Owner Alexander Ackerl Williams (webpage) nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – About Wogen (webpage) nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Code of Conduct nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Conflict Minerals Policy nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Conflict Minerals Policy nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Corporate Governance (webpage) nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Group Environment Policy nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Group Environment Policy nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Human Rights Policy nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Ores and Concentrates (webpage) nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Products, Metals and Oxides (webpage) nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Services (webpage) nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Standard Terms and Conditions nd
Wogen Wogen – nd – Trade Associations (webpage) nd

The findings, conclusions and interpretations within the Extractive Commodity Trading Report 2023 do not necessarily represent the views of funders, trustees, and employees of WRF or RMF, and others who participated in consultations and as advisors to the report.

This report is intended to be for information purposes only and is not intended as promotional material in any respect. The report is not intended to provide accounting, legal, tax or investment advice or recommendations, neither is it intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument.

The assessment reported on in the Extractive Commodity Trading Report 2023 seeks evidence of companies’ policies and practices on economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) issues, but does not seek to measure the actual outcomes achieved on EESG issues. Results are based only on evidence sourced from the public domain or provided by companies as open data. Whilst this information is believed to be reliable, no guarantee can be given that it is accurate or complete, nor does it preclude the possibility that policies and practices may exist, but which the report has not been able to consider for purposes of assessment. In this respect, the results of the low-scoring companies do not necessarily reflect a lack of relevant policies and practices; as they may be due to a lack of public reporting by the companies, limitations in accessing information, and/or any difficulties in accessing the company portal during the company review period.

It should be noted that, prior to publication, all companies assessed were invited to check the factual accuracy of the contextual data presented and to review company information to be included in the document library.

Country borders or names on maps do not reflect an official position of WRF or RMF or anyone involved in their governance, employees or in service providers. Maps used are for illustrative purposes and do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of WRF or RMF concerning the legal status of any country or territory or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. Where needed, approaches used by the UN to present borders were followed.
